Sheet Metal Blacksmith

Students learn to manipulate and fabricate sheet metal into various components and structures. The program emphasizes practical skills in cutting, bending, and assembling metal sheets.

Program Locations

Ghor Safi, Sahab, Aqaba, Hakama, Yajouz

Course Overview

CoursesHours (Practical)Hours (Theoretical)
Learn about the types of metals, their properties and specifications1510
Measuring lengths and angles using measuring tools155
Cutting sheet metal with manual shears and a crane5020
Preparing, operating and servicing the manual sheet bender3010
Forming sheet metal with hydraulic presses4015
Preparing and planning the sheet metal for forming155
Drawing and planning the actual shapes of the meeting and intersection surfaces6020
Preparing, operating and servicing the automatic hammers1510
Preparing and operating the manual sheet file2510
Preparing and operating the automatic sheet file155
Forming sheet metal by hammering4015
Forming sheet metal with hammer and hand tools up to 1 mm150
Joining and connecting sheet metal using riveting and screws3010
Joining sheet metal using buckles4010
Drawing and planning the individualities on the sheet metal8025
Operating manual electric arc welding machines155
Welding iron metal up to a thickness of 10 mm in the ground position155
Preparing and operating MIG welding equipment1510
Welding medium-thick sheet metal up to 10 mm with MIG welding155
Joining and connecting sheet metal pieces using a spot welding machine2510
Preparing and operating welding equipment with oxyacetylene flame1510
Welding sheet metal with oxyacetylene up to a thickness of 5 mm Ground position155
Manual cutting of metals using oxyacetylene torch155
Equipment and installation of decentralized presses3010
Metal filing with hand files155
Metal sawing with hand saw100
Shearing of sheet metal using vibrating shears205
Shearing of sheet metal using automatic angle shears1010
Preparing and operating vertical sheet metal shears (Shellah shears)3010
Preparing and operating general multi-purpose shears2510
Leveling (seating) sheet metal pieces up to 1.5 mm thick255
Cutting and shaping metals with hand chisels2510
Shearing of sheet metal using electric shears2510
Welding of thin sheet metal up to 3 mm thick using (Mig) (GMAW) welding200
Preparing and operating TIG welding equipment155
Engineering drawing using computer AutoCAD 2D2010