Assistant Blacksmith

This assistant program introduces students to basic iron forging and tool-making skills. It’s designed to help them support professional ironsmiths in various settings.

Program Locations

Ghor Safi, Sahab, Aqaba, Hakama, Yajouz

Course Overview

CoursesHours (Practical)Hours (Theoretical)
Identifying the types, properties and specifications of metals1010
Measuring lengths and angles using linear, transfer and fixed measuring tools and devices1010
Planning workpieces for implementation105
Sawing metals with a hand saw1510
Cutting metals with hand shears and lifting shears1010
Preparing, operating and servicing automatic drills155
Surface grinding with a grinding rocket105
Preparing and operating friction shears (fiber)2010
Operating electric arc welding machines3010
Welding iron metal up to 10 mm thick with electric arc in the ground position5020
Selecting and preparing compressed spacer sections2010
Forming compressed spacer bars3010
Assembling compressed spacer doors and windows6010
Installing doors and windows3010
Making protective grilles and nets205
Painting metal windows and doors2010