Assistant Lathe Operator

Students are trained to assist in the operation of lathes. They learn basic machining tasks and how to support lead operators in production settings.

Program Locations


Course Overview

CoursesHours (Practical)Hours (Theoretical)
Measuring lengths and angles using linear, vector and fixed measuring devices2010
Planning workpieces for execution105
Identifying types, properties and specifications of metals1510
Sawing metals with a hand saw155
Filing metals with hand files205
Preparing, operating and servicing automatic drills105
Performing manual external and internal serrations205
Preparing, operating and servicing automatic reciprocating saw205
Preparing, operating and servicing parallel lathe205
Inspecting and changing oils and grease55
Lathing and shaping cylindrical surfaces from the outside3010
Performing automatic external serrations using a lathe / one door3010
Lathing and shaping internal surfaces4010
Arranging and storing cutting and measuring tools55
Engineering drawing (basics + projections + perspective drawing)500